Development Fund:


Goal: 100,000 CCN
Pledged: 73822.79188406 CCN
Funded: 73.8227919%
Donations Recieved: 92
Avg Donation: 1255.0403 CCN
Last Donation: 560.0000 CCN


Cannacoin uses peer-to-peer (P2P) technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of Cannacoins is carried out collectively by a network of peers.


Mining Algorithm: Scrypt
Block Time: 1 minutes
Block Reward: 12.5 Cannacoins
Reward Halving: Every 525,600 (~1 years)
Difficulty Retargeting: Kimoto's Gravity Well.
Total Supply: 13,140,000 Cannacoins.

Open Source

Cannacoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Cannacoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Cannacoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.


Current Block: 391,038
Network Hashrate: 0.00Mh/s
Current Difficulty: 0.00
Current Supply: 4,887,975 CCN


Asking Price:  0.00006537 BTC
Bid Price:         0.00006513 BTC
Last Trade:      0.00006537 BTC
Market Cap:        0.00


